Enter our villain or hero depending on the point of view, Emma Yard. The henchman, Wilson. Edward West a conniving businessman. An unsuspecting victim, Jess Hartneck and a judgemental mother, Georgia Yard.
With her plans spoiled Emma uses her quick wit to capture Jess and test a potion on her... But as always something seems to go wrong. However, this time Emma's way of life and love is at stake. With her mother hanging over the results of this experiment, can she hang on and not mess up?
Georgia Yard an old fashioned woman, with the idea that men should bring in the dough.. Has given her daughter an ultimatum, succeed in this one task or marry Edward West, and let him run their "business".
But no one suspects the gorgeous Edward to have his own nefarious plans. Plans that will leave the Yard family in shambles, with no survivors.