Testi + traduzioni di alcune della canzoni di Melanie Martinez. Ogni capitolo una canzone tradotta, foto e video ufficiali: 1. Mad Hatter 2. Crybaby 3. Gingerbread man 4. Sippy cup 5. Dollhouse 6. Tag you're it 7. Mrs. Potato Head 8. Soap 9. Pacify Her 10. Cake 11. Carousel 12. Pity party 13. Milk and cookies 14. Drama club 15. Alphabet boy 16. Unhappy meal 17. Show & tell 18. The principal 19. Strawberry shortcake 20. Nurse's office 21. Wheels on the bus 22. Class fight 23. Orange juice 24. Lunchbox friends 25. Detencion 26. You love I 27. Night mine 28. Dead to me 29. RecessAll Rights Reserved