Alexa feels all alone in the world. No matter that she has two brothers, they don't really talk or know each other. She feels alone even though her parents are together and well. And even though she has never experienced trauma of any kind, she feels traumatized. Because while her family may be healthy, she is not what most would consider healthy.
Alexa has multiple mental illnesses, some doctors even calling them diseases, including borderline tendencies, depression, anxiety, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, somatic symptom disorder all leading up to the worst in her opinion, schizophrenia. Alexa does not always understand what is happening around her and can very easily blur the lines between reality and fantasy. She's not violent, but self-destructive, and exhausted of fighting a daily battle she's not always sure she will win.
The other problem Alexa has is with herself. She hates the way she looks, acts, her illnesses, and her sexual preferences. She feels ashamed and believes that because she has these other problems, she shouldn't feel sexual attraction, especially the taboo ways she does. Obsessed but ashamed of her want and craving for a triad BDSM relationship, she does the one thing that helps her, sing. She may not have the best voice, but she can carry a tune when she's not too anxious about others hearing, and she writes her own songs. They tell of her pain, her sorrow, her life story and the trials she has been through, her hopes and dreams and her want for things to get better. And she is allowing me to incorporate her songs and her real-life story, into a fictional tale where her dreams become reality.