Game over...
Humanity had reached the end of its time in the universe.
The amount of humans who'd enraged the gods reached its pinnacle in the year 2056.
They'd no longer worshipped the gods that had created thier planet, leaving the precious planet of Earth to wither from their insatiable Greed.
The gods could no longer take humanities existence and decided to syphon off all the karma they had been provided....
A massive virus broke out that slowly swept through the planet, turning all of humanities most corrupt, wicked, and vile into the mirror image of their inner appearance.
Millions turned into zombies, and started to slowly kill the rest of humanity, however, this 'curse' also had its benefits to certain humans.
Keith Wong had been a doctor that had saved millions of people from death by creating a company to stop a deadly disease. His contributions were largely hidden by
humanity, but the curse that destroyed so many others gave him a chance. He now could become an immortal by striking down the zombies and vampires that were
tearing through his planet, however, Earth was still destined for failure.
If he survived through the first level of the Apocalyse, Earth would no longer be his home, and the Eleven Realms would await him.
Will he survive the Apocalypse that man wished upon itself, or will he get eaten by the greed that made it possible?
Warning: Gore, System, and chance of Harem elements.