This is a story about a nearly 2,000-year old Spartan named Michael, who is half-demon and half-human, that sides with humanity and the Covenant (heaven and God) and his duty is traveling around the world trying to slay demons and destroy the False Covenant (Lucifer and his demons) until the war of Armageddon comes. In the universe of Battlecry, there is two types of demons; the first one is called the Impiis, this power originated from Lucifer, these demons feed power from all the sins except for wrath. The second and most powerful type of demons are called Saevus, this originated from Satan these demons feed power to the most powerful sin, wrath. But the Saevus are extinct due to an incident that happen before Michael was born (it will be revealed soon). Michael is half Impii, and half Saevus, which makes him a dangerous warrior Though his demon sides give him temptation, insanity, and anger. Though he is disturbed from his forgotten past which is unbearable to him to the point he forgets (also will be revealed soon) he tries to keep his acts humane. He bears this until the present day, in this time he is just an ordinary citizen that lives yan the coast of the United States. Though his humanity is still in him and makes friends with some demon slayers and even a demon that betrayed the False Covenant that gives Michael a reason to fight for. And so, he will continue on his duty and journey to slay demons and improving his skills of battle to finally bring peace to the universe by destroying the False Covenant when Armageddon arises. There is a lot of Action/Horror (especially psychological)/Adventure...I appreciate your time reading this..if you like it..wait until I start making the manga version of it which you can check on my Instagram @pendantgold. (: (DISCLAIMER THAT THIS IS NOT THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE STORY)