This story follows Charlie, who's stuck in an abusive home as he is just beginning to discover his abilities. He's a medium, a seer, and he's not the first one in his family...
It is a paranormal story about family, abuse, love, courage and the desire to protect those you love the most.
[This is the prequel to You're my reflection. First in the series]
Review from book editor Olivia Gates.
Promise from the Heart is an emotional story that centres on Charlie; a young boy who grew up in a broken home where he had to overcome several challenges that included a family where there was no love lost as well as health problems.
I have read a good number of paranormal books, but this book stands out in a class of its own. The author did a good job of describing scenes as well as characters in such a way that the reader can't help identifying with it.
Other characters in the book include Lucy, Julian, Brooklyn, Ezra, Heidi, and Lucas among others.
Charlie had to contend with a wicked stepmother and a father who was never around. Eventually, he realised he had to do something if he must save himself and his little siblings, even though the odds were against him. He had to think outside the box and it led him into doing the work of an undercover detective.
Promise from the Heart contains so many life lessons, but you must promise not to cry because it has heart-rending emotional scenes that would challenge your resolve.