This story revolves around Karla Estrabao, a humble and talented 15-year-old girl, lover of urban music, who dreams of becoming the best singer in the artistic medium. However, her wishes are truncated when she is involved in a deception perpetrated by the person she trusts most. For this reason, Karla pays an unjust sentence in a prison in New York, United States, after losing her family by orders of a big narco. Since then, her sole purpose will be to go out and collect revenge against all those who ended her life and that of her relatives. For this, she becomes a frivolous, calculating person, who thinks fast and acts with stealth. It will change her identity and her infiltrate among her enemies to destroy them one by one. Now she will come back to everyone's lives as "Camila Cabello, the famous music producer." Ps-Lauren g!p And I have no grammar skills and just give the story a chance.