SCP-<number> Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: No personnel are allowed to have physical contact with SCP-<number>. All physical contact results in the instance's organs begin to crumble due to an unknown reason. Tests show that subject does not have effect on other SCPs nor do other SCPs have effect on it. (Ex. Subject remains perfectly fine after viewing the face of 096.) Description: SCP-<number> is referred to as "<Y/N>" by other SCPs. Subject appears to be a <race> humanoid male presumably at the age of 17, standing at <height> meters, with <H/C> hair and <E/C> eyes. Subject has minor shape-shifting abilities and has been seen in two other forms, a black wolf, slightly smaller than SCP-023, and and a albino fox. By testing, it is presumed these are the only two other forms SCP-<number> can be. Subject remains docile and does not harm anyone unless it feels threatened, which it feels very easily. SCP-<number> is not to be tested on any more as we do not need a repeat of incident [REDACTED]. End log.All Rights Reserved