Mia is a girl who has been abused, beaten, and so much more, shes broken. Shes been smashed to bits. She was adopted by some very nice people. The Horans. They all live in London and she starts Highschool, with their son Niall. One problem. She wont talk. She hasnt spoken, said a word, hasnt even made a noise since it all started. She can talk, she just never does.
Until he showed up......
Harry styles, is the new boy at school, he showed up the day after Mia did. He doesnt talk much either. Nobody knows it but Harrys past was rough, beatenings and abuise was his life, Until he was 'saved'
But Mia hasnt been saved
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every day or every other day)