Sam Carli, a 15 year old orphan gets special permission to live by herself after 7 years of living at an orphanage with very low living quality. She even finds love at her local high school. But that changed in a split second after the boy, Jorden Tyler, becomes abusive. She runs away from him and he catches up to her very quickly. He leaves her in the street and it is very likely she could die. Luckily for her, a boy walking home late that night finds her and brings her to his house. His parents aren't home at the time, so he calls one of the only taxi company in the town of Knoxville and they drive to the hospital. Jacob, they guy who saved her, invites her to come live with them but she declines. He does however, walk over to her house everyday to check on her and for the first time, Sam finally finds a way to get back to herself and realize the true feelings she has for the boy who saved her.All Rights Reserved
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