Action Adventure Comedy Series beginning in Japan with the best and worst martial arts fails. The Unfortunate Hitman and his arch nemesis Sakura Kazan go head to head and bring you the best comedy in this parody about assassins and a blundering hitman that begins in Denver Colorado and ends up in Tokyo Japan. The hitman is trained as a sharp knife and killing machine, but the stark contrast between him and his opponent was evidenced in her training and upbringing in a technologically advanced culture with an emphasis on precision, unfathomable discipline and unwavering commitment to country. Where he was a sharp knife motivated by anger, she was more like precise surgical scalpels moving and thinking with the speed and global awareness of artificial intelligence in every aspect of life. A surgical instrument that grew more informed and changed daily like the internet and Google, the ultimate search engine gathering information and using it for billion-dollar financial gain. In stark contrast, the Unfortunate Hitman had one refined approach and a single permanent vision. His motto was to focus on one thing and one thing only and in his mind, this was how he would succeed. However, in a rapidly complex and ever-changing world he was a bit like Tyrannosaurus Rex, chasing down a spaceship or fighter jet. It was a case of sophistication meeting simple and direct. While both methods have merit, was he doomed to failure or will he succeed one day because of his sheer power of will? The Unfortunate Hitman is a messy, uneven spectacle of an odd and intense integrity.All Rights Reserved
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