In this feature, I highlight three articles that establish the foundation for leaderful practice. In a leaderful world, everyone can be involved in leadership, not just sequentially, but collectively (all-together) and concurrently (at the same time). The building blocks of this approach are outlined in the "four C's." Thereafter, I summarize an irreverent piece that was initially published in the Academy of Management Executive in 2004. I have revised it slightly and am presenting it in two parts. The first part looks at leadership development from a traditional ‘training’ viewpoint. The second part introduces, call it leader’ful’ development, from a work-based learning viewpoint. The last article, also a summary in this case from the Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, makes the ethical case for leaderful practice, arising from its democratic orientation, which in turn evolves from its focus on dialogue and meaning making. I hope you enjoy this brief excursion into the world of leaderful practice.