Laura's Poetry Chronicles proudly presents:
. A poem about a fanmade Club Penguin island I designed in my mind as I looked back at fond memories of playing Club Penguin.
. An acrostic poem I wrote in 2018 dedicated to World Suicide Prevention Day.
. A poem I wrote in 2018 about Jane the Killer putting her Jeff hunting days behind her.
. A poem about how a young woman sees a heavenly blue rose garden with her new friend Leon Starlight.
. A second version of a poem about wishing to be back in the good old days.
. A slightly updated version of a poem I wrote about me and my boyfriend back in September 2016.
. A sonnet about a rat who jumps through a ring of fire on the 29th of February 2020.
. A 2020 remake of a published poem I wrote at the age of 12, "Looking Forward".
. A dozen lines dedicated to the times of only using Facebook for those old games.
. A poem about I feel about a complete lockdown in my country during the coronavirus outbreak.