"Pulling the trigger gets easier with time now stop putting up a fuss, you're not even ending a life here unlike the rest of us had to, so get your bloody act together!" The platinum blond Caucasian woman pushed the boy ahead of her. He stumbled ahead, his eyes glued to the ground. Upon arriving on the shooting range, she pressed the gun into his hands. "Now just load the gun, aim and pull the trigger." The Asian boy did load the gun and aim it at the mannequin's head but hesitated to pull the trigger. His hands around the weapon trembled. The woman sighed and knelt down behind him with her head next to his. She reached up to steady his hands while speaking right into his ear in a low voice. "Imagine that's me and you're now taking revenge on me for killing your parents." As if a switch was flicked the trembling stopped, the small boy's body froze, the expression on his face became as hard and cold as stone. Five shots were fired from the gun, each one would've been a deadly headshot if the mannequin had been a living person. Vermouth rose from her kneeling position with a triumphant smirk.
"Oh, Miss Vineyard, your adoptive son possesses such grace!" Vermouth's smile had a dark twist to it, for neither the rich woman to her left who'd spoken nor any other person in the room watching the Asian boy and other children perform the ballet, no one except herself knew how deadly the boy's grace truly was.