I. The main objective of MIS Software is to give the right information to the right person in the right place in the right form. This information is updated on a daily and weekly basis in the form of reports.
II. The management information system (MIS) not only shows the business status of the organization but also shows why the business situation is getting right and bad.
• Following are the three main elements of MIS-
1. Management 2. Information 3. System
If we have to understand MIS well then we have to define these three words.
(1)Management: Management is a process in which people work with each other to fulfill the goal of the organization. Under this, decision-makers come who look after all the management work.
• All three functions are under management
1. Planning, 2.Organising 3.Controlling
(A)Planning: Planning is a very important function of management. It determines what the objectives of the organization are and when and how to accomplish these goals.
All the activities of planning phase are focused on the objectives only.
(b) Organizing: This is the second important function of management. The tasks that have been developed in the planning phase are assigned in this phase and in this the manager arranges the resources well so that whatever the objectives of the organization are, they can be effectively and economically completed.
(c) Controlling: - This is another important function of management. It is a process in which the activities of subordinates are measured and corrected, and information is collected to measure performance.
(2)Information: Information is like fuel for any organization because no organization can run properly without information.
(3)System: Information is processed into data by the system. A system is a group of interconnected and interdependent components, which is a complex unit.