It's winter in New York and besides snow and cold, one more thing comes with it. The St.Clair Winter Ball. Cory and Lea are best friends since forever, also the top dogs of St.Clair High School. She is the head cheerleader and he is the star Quarterback, everyone hope that they will be a couple someday, but honestly? The term best friends suit them better, at least, is what they think. But what happens when in the Winter Ball they develop feelings for each other?
A/N: Just a few things related to Glee and a little bit Elite inspired.
Rachel berry walks into school with her friends only to find out that she has a new history teacher called Mr.Hudson. He's absolutely gorgeous and pretty much every girl drools over him. As soon as they meet they feel some sort of affection for one another. It's wrong but love can power through anything!Stay tuned!