Who will win and who will fall in death's bin? They say when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin and the world holds its breath. But what if the coin never landed? What would happen if they froze the coin somehow?
The gods must've forgot to flip a coin with a particular Targaryen, because nobody knew he existed? or maybe because long ago he was locked away in a thick layer of ice, forever asleep. unable to move, speak, just destined to lay there and sleep. The Cold kept his body from aging away, but the fire in his blood kept his heart from freezing over. He's Forgotten, on his 20th birthday was when he got sealed away. Nobody knows who he is, nobody knows where he's going or how he got there. They only know of his name. His family name. Kavairys of House Targaryen.
His coin has yet to land, eternally flipping, unable to decide his place in the world. With the long night passed, and the Mad Queen Overthrown, the magic began to undo itself and the ice that kept Kavairys sealed away began to melt. Kept far beyond the wall, somewhere around the tree. Even the Night king Couldn't get to him. He would've stayed enclosed in the ice if it haven't been for one man. The man who stood up to the night king. The same man who saved the world from the grip of the Foreign Conquerer, The Son of Rhaegar Targaryen, The King Beyond the Wall...
His Name...
Jon Snow.