Warning: There will be mentions of a certain character who will be vaguely familiar to everyone if they have or haven't watched the second movie. ------------------------------------ Daun wonders what those twinkling stars above depict. He asks his brother and he replied with a sigh. "That, my friend, is a star. It represent every ones' hopes, dreams and wishes." Daun then asked. "What are yours?" Cahaya turn towards him, grinning in the dark filled room. "I don't have one." Daun was surprised. "Because my hopes, dreams, and wishes are already fulfilled thanks to you and our brothers." ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- GENRE: Angst and Friendship •This story is made purely for fun.• Disclaimer Note: BoBoiBoy and BoBoiBoy Galaxy belongs to Animonsta Studios. All characters also belong to the same studio.All Rights Reserved
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