After a long stint of bad luck, Camila is ready to be happy again. She tries her best to be productive with her job, her family life, and with her friends. But, in the end, she still feels like nothing can go right for her. Ally, her best friend, invites Camila out to dinner with her and her friend, Dinah. There, Camila meets Lauren, a mysterious, troubled girl who talks so much but is impossible to figure out. It is then that Camila falls into the trap of Faerie Love, a new street drug, that sends her down a dark, twisted path of addiction and recovery.
A private island.
Summer vacation.
An innocent cautious girl from a distinguished family, Camila Cabello met a certain green-eyed mysterious and dangerous girl named Lauren Jauregui.
Late night conversations, drunken nights, cliff diving, skinny dipping and doing crazy dangerous things lead Camila to fall in love with Lauren.
But will she receive the same love back or will Lauren just rip her heart out?
*trigger warning