Troubled by a traumatic past, Mark, a 15 year old boy hailing from a far away region, is about to embark on a terrifying, yet exciting Pokémon journey in the Hoenn region. Along side an unexpected partner.
Although there will be many surprises down the road, there will be an equal amount of obstacles that will slow or even stop him from his goals. Among these obstacles is an evil, nearly unstoppable organisation called "Team Sterben", who's intentions are unclear. The only hope of resistance to oppose them is their rival team, Team Life.
Mark was suddenly thrown into the same feudal fight between the two teams that had lasted for decades. What Team Sterben destroys, Team Life rebuilds, and with our Protagonist and his Pokémon under mortal danger, Mark has to not only win the Pokémon championship, he must also stop the sinister plans of these People and protect those who cared for him.
With the delicate balance between peace and chaos about to tip, Mark's journey becomes darker, riskier and more dangerous, but will it be worth it when he finally reaches that light at the end of the tunnel?