Shadows and Shade is an Epic Fantasy available through Amazon and other good retailers. This story is the product of a dare in Amanda Cashures Keepers (a facebook fangroup). It takes scenes from the original Shadows and Shade by Amanda Cashure and rewrites them with **what if** moments. None of this story is true. Don't believe any of it. It never happened and it never will. It's just for fun, fanfiction by the author herself. Lets talk inspiration, and I have a lot of it. Tamora Pierce was the first author I read and fell in love with to an almost obsession. I still have all my original copies of her books. Followed years later by Maria V Snyder, and more recently by Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington (among other RH authors) I know Sarah J Maas is very similar to Maria V Snyders work, but theres simply not enough hours in the day. So now you know all of that read the story - find Amanda Cashures Keepers on facebook, track down Amanda_Cashure_Author on instagram, and remember to leave reviews if you enjoyed the work because thats what authors live on.Todos los derechos reservados