-sweet; /swi:t/
pleasing in general; delightful
-steady; /ˈstɛdi/
regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity.
Byun Baekhyun is just a normal person, a professional boxer and also my private bodyguard. I do hate him at the first place but what can I do with it?
He sticks me like a glue, everywhere I go, he will always be there.
He defines sweet & steady perfectly.
Baekhyun x Reader
Doctor AU
Your poor health had with time sucked out every bit of your lively personality, leaving you completely exhausted of living. Until you one day found a new thrill in causing trouble in the hospital, scaring away every doctor, every and nurse that had offered to take care of you. Well, almost all of them. Doctor Byun wasn't fazed by your rebellious behavior
✨Am I the twit for falling in love with you... Or is it you for getting your heart broken?✨