It is the year 1962. Supers, and their formerly illegal activities, have just been legislated. Violet should be rejoicing, and she is. Was, anyway. Because the Parr family has been torn apart, scattered through time and space by one of the newly registered Supers, desperate to have the competition gone.
It is the year 2037. Penny Forrester has been living a peaceful life with her mother and pets when a girl crash-lands into her backyard. A girl who can somehow produce force fields, turn invisible, and doesn't have a clue about where she is or how she got there. Luckily for her, Penny may have a few useful contacts from her actress past.
It is the year 2037. Hiro Hamada has just witnessed his microbot presentation go up in smoke - and not in a fire, this time. Shocked and embarassed, he teams up with a kid who just might have a lead to what just happened - when a former acquaintance calls with an equally perplexing event.
It is the year 2037. Wilbur Robinson thought the craziest thing that had happened to him was being erased from existence and brought back - it's hard to top that - but after seeing a masked person make a load of tech vanish into thin air, he'd admit the aftermath would come pretty close. Add that to the fact that the Robinsons' time machine is strangely malfunctioning, just when he needs it the most, and he's reconsidering exactly how crazy things can be.
It's a race through time and space, to get Violet back home, retrieve the microbots, and stop the villain from cutting, or rather, exploding the ground under their feet.
It's time for the Futuristic Four to get off the ground.
After her death in her previous life, a young woman was reborn in a new world with a unique, but powerful gamer system. Watch as she grows stronger, and finds love along the way!
[Notable Achievements] - [Number 1 on Godlike, Number 1 on Hope Mikaelson, Number 1 on Legacies, Number 1 on Lesbian, Number 1 on Futanari, Number 1 on Overpowered, Number 1 on Harry Potter, Number 1 on StrongtoStronger, Number 1 on Gamer, Number 1 on Sophieturner, Number 1 on Danmachi]
[Harem/Polgamy of 5 girls]