I bump into someone and feel a hot liquid running down my shirt. I start whining and tears streamed down my face. ???: Look, what you did you bitch!! H- Oh my god are you ok?!? I look up at the mysterious man who I bumped into. Without waiting for my answer he grabs my hand and drags me into a cafe bringing me to the back. He grabs a first aid kit and pulls out some ointment. He holds it out to me and I take he. He disappears for a minute before returning with a shirt and a towel. He places me on the counter and I look at him shocked. He smiles at me before using the towel to dry my chest. ???: Do you want to put the ointment on yourself? Y/N: Of course you pervert. He looks at me shocked and then trying not to laugh before handing me the ointment. I rub it while he gets something. Once I'm done i look at the shirt he brought. ???: It's for you to wear instead of a coffee shirt. I feel my cheeks heat up from me being dumb. I look at him and he turns around. I quickly change shirts, hopping down and tapping him on the shoulder. He looks at me nodding before smirking. ???: You look good in my clothes. I blush embarrassed at his statement and look away. Y/N: What's your name? ???: Kim Seok-Jin. Yours? Y/N: Song Y/N. Jin: Well Song Y/N It's nice to meet you and sorry about the coffee. Y/N: No it's fine, and it's nice to meet you too... Kim Seok-Jin.All Rights Reserved