English Chanbaek's fanfic " It's really nice to see you again Chanyeol and your new song is really good. " He said while taking a step back. " You're right. You're really talented, really handsome and smart. You were born to be a super star. " He smiled. The same beautiful smile that never failed to made my heart went crazy a few years ago. Right now, in front of me, that smile appears again but why? why does my heart feel so painful this time? " You were right when you decided to start a new life here instead of living with someone like me. " My heart broke. Looking into his shiny eyes, I finally realized how stupid I was. How stupid I was to leave him. How stupid I was to think that I'll be alright without him in my arms. How stupid I was to say that his love was not enough for me. I was too blind to see that he's all my happiness. " Look at you, a successful singer and song writer, you finally get what you always want. Chanyeol I'm glad you have a better life now. " No Baek, how can I have a better life when the love of my life isn't here with me. Without you Byun Baekhyun... my life is Miserable Without You.All Rights Reserved