Amara doesn't have many friends. Make that none. She had a tendency to be in the wrong places at the wrong times and this one time she runs into the popular crowd. Becca, their leader, always seems to have a bone to pick with her. She stands up for herself and somehow finds herself in a challenge and the haunted building. No one is alone there but she feels it. She didn't believe in ghosts but what if there where a possibility?
"I take one last look Willard Asylum, I don't plan on coming back. "
He lays down and stares up at the sky. I balance a fry on his nose until I finally tell him,
"Now!" and he jumps and catches it in his mouth. And we both start laughing. I join him by laying down right next to him. He reaches over and grabs a fry to balance on my nose. He places it on my nose trying to get it to balance. He backs up and shouts,
"Now!" and I jump trying to catch it but it falls to the side. We both groan in disappointment. We toss the fry to the birds and lay there.
I submitted this for a school project and got an A so I hope you guys find it just as entertaining as my teacher did!
(This is a planned and edited story)