Categorized as: Action, Drama, Romance, PG-13, Teen, Watty Awards
Two teenagers, Jessica (Selena Gomez) & Johnny (Logan Lerman), are dared to rob a bank as a way of gaining some attention at their school. When they successfully carry out this plan, they realize they’ve done something that can change their lives for good. Out of the excitement of robbing the bank, they decide to run away and cross country to escape getting in trouble which only leads to more disaster when they meet a gorgeous thug leader Ruby (Scarlett Johansson).
Characters Introduced:
Part 1:
Character description:
Hair- Straight, black, shoulder length hair with blond streak in her bangs
Face- Brown eyes, lightly tan skin, thin eyebrows, tiny lashes, petite nose, and peach pink lips
Body- 120 lbs, 5’5”, curvy hips, thin legs and arms, and small chest
Hair- Spikey, combed back, thin brownish-black hair
Face- Blue/Green eyes, lightly tan skin, average eyebrows, petite nose, and thin pouty tan lips
Body- 125 lbs, 5’8”, thin body, abs, and strong arms and legs
Hair- Dirty blond, wavy, bobbed shoulder length hair
Face- Thin, Brown eyes, thin eyebrows, light skin, long nose, and pouty red lips
Body- 115 lbs, 5’4” (with heals is 5’6”), thin body, curvy hips, fit legs and arms, and fair-sized chest
Hair- Spikey, gelled up, soft brown hair
Face- Blue eyes, tan skin, thin eyebrow, long face, petite nose, and pouty clay brown lips
Body- 123 lbs, 5' 9 1/4", muscular body: arms, abs, and tight legs, tan, scar on the back of righ thigh ( from accident)
Sarah Kennedy's life has fallen to pieces. Her family is broken, she's growing apart from her only friend, and it's been a while since she's stopped dreaming about anything better. She embarks on a trip to Latin America, joining a retreat she hopes will mend her dwindling friendship and escape her miserable day-to-day life.
Bad turns to worse, and her hopes are shattered when she is kidnapped by a cartel. While her life is miraculously spared, she's kept captive by a daunting and narcissistic drug lord, Pablo. As his obsession with her grows, so do his favors and promises. Sarah soon finds herself in a gilded cage, living a life more lavish than anything she's ever imagined.
But all that glitters isn't gold, and this luxury has a price. If Sarah wants to escape the violent, treacherous, and cocaine-fueled world of cartels, she'll have to fight the demons that keep her captive, as well as the monsters in her head, armed with nothing but a dry sense of humor and a fragile strength. But as she and Pablo both know- it's a long journey home when you don't have any home to go to.
DTOD is marked as mature for strong language, drug use, violence (and also dark humor) and the occasional steam/smut. Trigger warnings are included before sensitive or explicit scenes.
"Drugs, Treasons and Other Demons, a niche erotica for people who like men who keep their socks on."
"A book that will make you cry whenever you hear a Pitbull song."
"By the time I finished reading this whole book, I could have read the entire Hunger Games saga. But I would have had a lot less fun."
"I went to read a few chapters of this book one night, and all of a sudden a whole weekend went by on me."