For decades, life on Earth has been disrupted. Two powerful groups of magical people, the Tudima and the Takezi, broke free of the Hidden Lands and enslaved humanity under their reign, warring among themselves for power and riches. But some magical rulers are proving to be more dangerous than others. The feared emperor, James Wuthering, is quickly growing stronger than any Tudima in history, and no one can explain why. If he is not stopped, his ambitions to rule the world and wipe out all the Takezi -as well as the Commoners who live with them- could become a reality. Natanael, a young servant of the Emperor's, has long endured the abuse of his master while secretly trying to find a way to hinder his plans. In a chance encounter, Natanael learns of the Resistance, an underground organization that seeks to topple the Emperor from his throne. Natanael decides to risk everything to help them- a decision that plunges him into a world of danger he may not be able to escape.All Rights Reserved
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