In the year 2032, a group of friends that had all experienced abuse in their lives, decides to live all together at Argleton, Calisota. With the right price and enough desperation and hunger in their young minds, decides to wreck, destroy, flip the city upside down and watch it burn.
'Gold' only wanted to live a normal life with their most loved friends despite their own hidden dangerous secret, never did they think of such drastic change can happen when one name suddenly ruins their quiet life. One thing that they know of, to make them stronger is to hold on to what they believe, "We Are One."
A story about love, trust, friendship and betrayal between six people that promised to be together until the end of their very lives, and to kill that fucker Azrail.
⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️:
This story will be containing mature content pertaining to: Sexual Assault, Physical Abuse and Drug Use, that can be triggering and too sensitive to some readers.
This story contains gore, foul language and graphic writing which can be sensitive.
Please be mindful when reading.
This story is a work of fiction, anything that is mentioned and written in this story that is somehow connected or relates to the real world is purely coincidence. The author has no intentions in owning any factual happenings that are similar in the written story.
Do not repost this content to any other social media platforms without the author's permission.
Started: December 18, 2021
Ended: ~