"Real obstacles don't take you in circles. They can be overcome. Invented ones are like a maze" Her name is Khali. At least it is now. The only girl in the pack of Gladers. None of the boys are particularly surprised, she was one of the first Gladers there. But she's the mistake. And W.C.K.D wants her dead. Yet with Newt, Minho and Alby, she thrives and becomes the only Glader to ever survive the Maze. Until Thomas arrives. Amidst all the chaos and mayhem, Khali finds herself becoming more and more drawn to her best friend Newt. Can either of them accept they love each other? Or will the inevitable danger Khali always seems to land herself in be too much for Newt? Life in the Maze was hard but when Thomas and Teresa arrive, things got a whole lot harder. Grievers attacking the Glade, the long awaited end and probably the most frightening change is her sudden attachment to Newt as they both find themselves battling only to spend one more day with each other.All Rights Reserved