Do we respond to poor Lazarus, in the midst of our gleaming City, with charity (scraps from our table), or do we seek to change the economic conditions that set up such extremities, as rich and poor? He came out of the synagogue, bearing the Candle of Life; the symbol of the holy illumination of the Spirit of truth, life, and the light that it gives.
To whom he gave all the jewels of the ocean: diamonds, emeralds, and even a golden broach, that would clasp shut with the hands of a thousand singing angels. Of which the shafts of sapphire gave way, to the spiral seashells, and coral reef that lied upon the ocean bed.
The votive candle has its own very beautiful incense that sent up its cloud of perfumed smoke heavenward; a symbol of prayer, the candle consuming itself is a representation of life.
And as for the fact that He raised him from the dead; not to return to corruption.
That I will pour out my Spirit, and give prophesy; the young shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take up arms against a Sea of troubles. And by opposing end; to die is to sleep. No more; and by sleep we mean death. To die, to sleep, and to dream per-chance.
Sometimes I just try to find the subject and predicate, and I burn my wings.
The terminal parts of their bodies fall off, and float to the surface of the water.
The colloquial definition appears in the form of the constellation.
The curve of stars at the front end of the Lion, question mark, the long Sickle.
The wax of the candle drips down to resemble tears running down my face.
For He said, "You are the light of the world."