1 part Complete Fate/Requiem unfolds in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Louisiana, post the 5th Great Holy Grail War. The world of magic has seen significant evolution, with mages enhancing their understanding and abilities over two decades. This advancement has ushered in a new golden age of magic and scientific understanding, transforming the world into a battlefield where mages clash not just in power but in knowledge.
The Fuyuki incident, a catastrophe that occurred 24 years ago, is now recognized as a calamity that sent shockwaves across the world. The echoes of intense battles, the sound of metal clashing, and the explosive bursts of mana are gradually fading from the world's memory. In the midst of this, the Holy Church in New Orleans has facilitated the arrival of the 6th Lesser Grail within the city's boundaries, paving the way for the 6th Holy Grail War.
Mages from all corners of the globe are drawn to New Orleans, lured by the prospect of a magical battle royale to the death. They come armed with their knowledge, skills, and the power to summon heroic spirits from the past as familiars to aid them in their quest. As per the decree of FATE, the crossroads of destiny shall never be walked alone. Consequently, these heroic spirits and their masters are thrown into a battle for the chance to have their wishes fulfilled or their fates altered. The curtain rises on our story with...