I think we're all afraid. Afraid of commitment to people that truly love us because we're so used to being treated like gum stuck to the pathway. It seems unreal to actually be valued by someone for more than just the way we look or what size clothes we wear after years without change. We're all afraid of loving and being loved as it is a weakness. Our emotions that a fondled and used against us to make sure we go down and we stay down by those who are jealous by the light we shine. Jealous of the things they know we are going to do and the places we are going to go, as well as what we are going to achieve. They will not burn out my ember. I will continue through this modern century of false relationships and manipulation, and i will com out the otherwise with the people that truly love me for who i am and encourage me to be the best person I can be. Honestly, in this day in age, we don't have time to worry about all the people trying to rip us down because we know we are strong enough to withstand any storm. ~CHELSEA~All Rights Reserved