John Laurens is the son of the owner of a very successfull Lawfirm, so his name is very well known. But what most people don't know: He isn't able to speak- at all. Nevertheless he goes to Kingscollege and meets his new best Friends, but then he moves from a giant crush to really falling in love... ------------------------ Hercules' Life has its good and bad points. On the one hand, he gets to be near his Crush everyday- and nights. On the other, they are just best friends... with benefits. And when his crush scratches the benefits-part, he looses all hope... ------------------------ Lafayette loves his live. He is great in school, has good friends and is verry happy with his 'Relationship' with his best friend. but when he got the handsome mute boy as his new Roommate, his hole life falls apart- In both a good and a bad way...