20 parts Ongoing MatureIn a world where powers are common, but heavily categorized and controlled by ruling factions, a young woman named Lira discovers she possesses a forgotten and forbidden type of power - one that hasn't been seen in centuries. She's unaware of her true potential, having lived in a small, isolated village, believing her abilities are weak and insignificant. However, the more she uses her powers, the more she begins to unravel a deep and ancient force within her.
Her path crosses with Caius, a dangerous and elusive man wielding shadow powers. He is a mercenary with a dark past and works for one of the most powerful factions in the world, known as the Night Syndicate. His allegiance is unclear, and he is often morally ambiguous, driven by his own mysterious motives.
When Lira's powers are revealed, Caius is tasked with protecting her and bringing her to the revolution that she is destined to lead into the war of the factions. However, as they clash, they slowly begin to unravel each other's guarded facades.