Two lives guided by a destiny, a destiny that became uncertain with the passing of time, a destiny that became distant with the consequences.
We believe that destiny or coincidences exist by force of some entity between us but the only thing you define is that we look for coincidences and form our destiny is like what happens to you with that special person, able to mark your destiny in a centered, correct, spontaneous way and with a lot of freedom.
It would seem that a relationship that you presume is full of joy, good times, are the perfect couple, soul mates, is the love of your life. I point out this moment because not all relationships are like that, it is a situation sold by a social network society that publishes what it wants to appear and keeps what it really is. And I am not going to refer to a bad relationship as opposed to a relationship that has the following characteristics is the perfect relationship: problems, communication, imperfections, respect, love.
If you have to overcome the problems you will get a healthy relationship, if you communicate with your partner you will have a lasting relationship, if your relationship has imperfections and you discover them when you live with that person and still stay you will have a solid relationship, if your relationship is based on respect you will have a blessed relationship and if there is love will be so easy to possess the above characteristics because you only give your tolerance, your respect, and your communication to people who more.