"Set ninety-seven years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends one hundred juvenile delinquents back to Earth, in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet." -CW [The 100]
More then 100 delinquents went down, and some that almost no one knew existed. Silver Griffin was the sister that Clarke Griffin never knew she had.
She gave herself up to the Guard, in exchange for her sister to be unharmed, and left to live happily, with her mother and father.
Silver was a member of the Guard at 12, the youngest member, and also the only girl in and among the soldiers.
She was an exceptional fighter, but she also knew when to stop fighting, to give up and let the person go, which is something that many others didn't.
She was 12 when her sister was born, and she gave herself up immediately, without a second's thought, not even beginning, to think about what happened when she turned 18.
On her 18th birthday, the Chancellor came for her personally. But instead of floating her, she would be employed as a personal bodyguard to him.
She would always wear a helmet, and a jacket too big, to make sure that no one would recognize her, but she wouldn't be floated.
She might also have a chance to see her sister again, who wouldn't know her, but it would be nice to see what she sacrificed herself for.
As far as the rest of the Ark was concerned, there was never another Griffin child around on the Ark, but there was people who were suspicious.
When Project Exodus was begun, Silver was one of the first people to get a spot, and the Chancellor let her, knowing it was her choice and not his to make.
Silver is sent down onto Earth with the rest of the Hundred, and Clarke seemed shock to see that they closely resembled each other.
Pretty much identical except for a few minor details.
From her experience as a bodyguard for the Head of the Entire Ark, Silver knows what to do, but do the rest of them really do?
[S1 B.B]
Another new story.
"Blake, your not a cadet anymore. Why you here?" I asked.
"How's it going woods?" Bellamy smiled.
"Dodging questions I see" I scoffed with a laugh.
"I'm here for the same reason you are princess. To protect someone we love" he replied.
Your name is Annabeth Woods and as an ark cadet your job is to protect, and that is exactly what you do.
100 delinquents are sent down to earth, one of them being your best friend John Murphy. You sneak onto the drop ship and to your shock you find a very handsome Bellamy Blake.
You're two years younger then Bellamy and you were both cadets together on the ark. You found out about octavia when she was 12, you were 19 when Octavia was locked up. Bellamy was janitor and his mother was floated.
I do not own any of the 100 series. All rights are reserved and I do not own any of the characters except for Annabeth.d