10 year old Kianna has recently moved to beach city, where the rebellious Rose Quartz lived. Kianna always wanted to meet her and hear her tell the story of how she became the leader of the crystal gems. When she gets there, she spots the amazing Rose Quartz and her allies. But that was 5 years ago. Kianna now watches over the small infant named Steven with Greg and the gems. She watched him grow and developed for 14 years. During those 19 years, she faced challenges with the crystal gems and fought with them too but she always had dreams about Blue and Yellow diamond. They replayed over and over again like memories and they felt so real to her. She looks at her stomach where the pink jewel is. She now knew what she was. But is turning on Steven worth it? She thought about it, and said no. That was until the diamonds kidnapped her and took her to home world when she met White Diamond. I wonder what will happen...All Rights Reserved