Nisha, like most college students, suffers from depression and its gotten to the point of her ditching class, dropping all her friends, and now considering dropping out of college all together. But her mother's not having it. She didn't make Nisha work her ass off to get into college on a full scholarship so she could drop out her sophomore year. Without telling her,her mom signs her up for her old high school's , 2 week camping retreat with the Mental Health Awareness Club. The deal is she has to make a real effort to seek help and if she comes home feeling like the group didn't help her feel any different she'll let her drop out of college. But if there's any kind of improvement she's to stay and see the campus counselor regularly. Spending 2 weeks in the woods as the temperatures drops, surrounded by depressed teenagers with raging hormones, and her ex-boyfriend is not how Nisha wanted to spend her Thanksgiving Break. But either way she'll get something out of it and she's hoping for the college drop option.