Here on Wattpad, we have a very diverse population, with people of all ages, sexualities, genders, and ethnicities. But besides that, so many of us struggle with mental issues and stress, so we come here to be ourselves. To be honest, it hurts me to see so many kind and unique individuals to be put under so much stress and strain. All I want to do is help. I am but a teenager, so my insight on your problems may not be the best, but at the very least you can here what something looks like from another's point of view. Feel free to comment or PM me, whatever you feel comfortable with. This is not only for those struggling with depression, anxiety, dysphoria, or any other issues as of such, but for your common Joe with stress at school. Whether a family member has recently passed, or you got a bad grade on a math test, I'm here to listen, and if I can, help. Hell, even if you're happy as can be, click on this book, and give your insight to people's comment's; try to help them! Just, just remember. You are all beautiful and handsome people; never let anyone stop you from being you.All Rights Reserved
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