Mikayla is just beginning to put up with her new step brother, Cameron Dallas and his eight other friends. But there's one guy out of the eight who she seriously cannot stand and is almost irritated by everything that he does, Matt Espinosa. But on the other hand, Matt just sees her as another "hot girl" and an easy target to annoy. But are the feelings that they both portray really the entire truth?
MIKAYLA - "Do not talk to me. Do not speak a word. I hate you, with every inch of my body I hate you. So do not talk to me, do not touch me, do not sit next to me or walk past me, don't you dare get near me. You're repulsive, you're pure evil and I love you but God, I wish I didn't."
MATT - "People lie all the time. I just wish I didn't have to when it came to you. I've imagined telling you in so many ways; but I still know I can't. I don't think I could take hearing you say I'm not the one you want".
Opia, tanıdık ya da yabancı insanlarla göz göze geldiğimizde yaşadığımız, kendimizi savunmasız ve kırılgan hissetmemize neden olan bir duygu türüdür.
Bu duygu, karşıdaki kişiyle bakışlarımız kesiştiğinde ortaya çıkan, iç gerginliğe ve ciddi bir duygusal duruma işaret eder.
İnsanlar, genellikle bu duyguyu yalnızca kendilerine özgü bir his olarak algılar; ancak, büyük ihtimalle karşı taraf da benzer duygular içindedir.
Başlangıç - 08.02.25