Erin Fowler is on the set of "Fifty Shades of Grey" because she is living with her girl friend, Claire Hurley, and she invited Erin to live with her in Seattle because Erin's on break from college. On the set, Erin usually does the normal routine: find a secluded area but not secluded enough to escape from her friend's eye sight, work on the homework that her teachers have given, read a book, go online and check all her social media sites on her computer or phone, or listen to music. Erin admits that the dude who's playing Christian Grey is pretty hot but you don't want people to know that you find him attractive because everyone on set will tease you about it, especially Claire. Watching those raunchy/steamy sex scenes from the corner of your eye gets you a little hot and bothered but she plays it off and acts like nothing's wrong, even though she desperately craves for a release. But little does she know it, is that one hot guy, she's been wanting, is craving to be the friction in her jeans and getting to know Erin emotionally and physically.
Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy. I decided to create a story where through a lot of mishaps somehow Anastasia and Christian meet because someone set up blind dates for them, but something happens. In this story Grace is a widow.
Grace Grey
Elliott Grey
Christian Grey
Raymond Steele
Anastasia Steele
Eamon Kavanagh
Jackie Kavanagh
Stuart Kavanagh
Enid Kavanagh Eamon's Ex Wife
Ethan Kavanagh
Kate Kavanagh
Richard Lincoln
Charlene Lincoln
Iris Lincoln
Todd Lincoln
Elena Lincoln Richard Lincoln's ex wife
Roz Bailey
Gwen Bailey
Cyrus Bailey
Cyndy Bailey
Jason Taylor
Gail Taylor
Thomas Sawyer
Ryan Reynolds
Barney Miller
Theresa Prescott
Stuart Howard
Jack Hyde
Elizabeth Morgan
Roger Roache
Colleen Brown
Nate Collins
Robert Lewis
Misty Lewis
Susan Mitchell