25 parts Ongoing In the enchanting world of Mr Park, there lived a man like no other. With great wealth and mystery, he commanded attention wherever he went.
But beneath his impressive exterior, Mr Park faced a peculiar challenge. He had been issued a dare - find a suitable girlfriend within a year and win a million dollars. The urgency became apparent as news arrived of his brother's upcoming wedding. Mr Park knew he couldn't face this occasion without a woman by his side that represented his stature and desirability.
However, his quest for love proved to be far from easy. His enigmatic persona posed a barrier to his own happiness. With each passing day, he withdrew further, making it nearly impossible for women to approach him.
Desperation set in as the clock ticked relentlessly towards his brother's nuptials. Would Mr Park succeed, defying the odds and winning the wager? Would he find a love that would stand the test of time?
This tale holds the answers to these burning questions. Prepare to navigate the treacherous waters of Mr Park's quest for romance. Will he triumph? Only time will tell.