Jaeden Lieberher- is the son of Wes Lieberher the leader of the second most dangerous gang in their state and neighboring states. He's amazing at playing the piano, writing songs and poems, he is smartest in his highschool, 17, in his senior year, dating Lilia Buckingham, does theater and boxing, has anxiety, PTSD and wants NOTHING to do with his father gang buisness.......but that can change.
Wyatt Oleff- Gang leader of the most dangerous gang around. He's a sad person but turns all his emotions into either anger or respect for his gang members. He's 21 and has a sister named Elizabeth.
When Wyatt figures out that his greatest rival, Wes Lieberher has a son, and he's his soft spot Wyatt makes it his business to punish Jaeden. That is until he lays eyes on the handsome young boy.