Damn above grounders, they keep her from having fun. She's a Goddess why does she even listen to them...oh yes cause it's too much fun playing with the living. When they're dead the listen to well but alive humans will fight back and that's what makes it entertaining. And the Gods know, how hard it is to keep the entertaining one alive...so why not just kill them. Yes, their screams, the way they plead for their souls. She loved every second of it, for she is the Goddess of Fear and the smell of Adrenochrome is what gets her up in the mornings.
Luckily she doesn't seem to be the only one addicted to the aroma...but why does he look like a clown. Not that he looks bad, just a strange way to dress every day. He's seemed to have noticed the powerful female from the start and is trying everything in his power to get her to turn her power onto himself...but she's a stubborn one that's for sure.
The Hunter Exams have just got a lot more interesting, with two untamed killers what could possibly go wrong. Everything really, but thankfully there's someone who can easily handle the two of them. Though he might not be ready to handle them together.
I would like to dedicate this story to my sister, T-Malson, for encouraging me to keep writing and feeding me...cause no one can cook like my sister.
Also because when I tried to make her watch the anime and show her my bae, Hisoka, she told me he was weird. But now she has to watch it so she can read and understand this story...so I WIN MUAHAHAHA
I do not own Hunter X Hunter or any of its characters. Nor do I own any references that are from other works
I only own my character and ideas.
Thank you