April 4, 2159. Far into the future, the world has made several technological advancements. Surely in this world, nothing can go wrong. The world has become safer, more powerful. Throughout history, the world had been purged of corruption, lead by a new generation of geniuses. Using their intelligence as a gift, not a privilege, for the good of mankind.
"This just in. Chaos runs rampant at Phantom labs after mass explosion. Citizens are urged to stay calm."
"Rest assured we will- Hey! Let go of me! No- NO!"
A mass explosion in a highly esteemed laboratory kickstarts a mass apocalypse, leaving the world in ruins, a desolated, barren wasteland.
"A good friend of mine can help you get out. Talented, Trustworthy, and Reliable."
A young girl finds herself caught in the destruction. But she's more than meets the eye. And fighting alongside her, are some of the most extraordinary individuals out there.
"Indeed it has been a while. However, we are no longer friends, only acquaintances."
However, one's history may often stick with him a long time. The history of these individuals may affect the way they treat each other, shattering bonds made along the way, the alliances made. And there... the creatures of the apocalypse aren't the only things wanting to sink their teeth into the group.
"Oh My Darling. You will rue the day you became who you are today."
Many want them dead. A rival, someone from the past. They want their heads. Menaces lurking in the shadows, a detriment to their survival. Their undying rage has driven them to spill blood. This has become more than survival in the apocalypse. This has become a fight for their lives. Surviving against the undead means nothing when they get entangled in the mercy of the shadow's.
This apocalypse is a war. A war for life. And who wins in the end is but a decision they can change, or allow to happen.
It was so sudden. It was unnoticeable. It was the most unexpected scenario, EVER to happen. Building tops combust in fire, people running aimlessly and, for what, to survive. In 2022, an unknown virus is spreading rapidly in the main city of New Yoke Town. And most likely will be spreading much sooner to other territories, nearby borders, and neighboring countries. Or has it already done. What will you do to survive? Will you stray off the road watching the horror belittle you? Or will you run like you've never before?
------------------ORIGINAL STORY--------------------