21 Bagian Sedang dalam proses When Alexander wakes up with a flower behind his ear, he knows it means he's fallen in love. Curious to find who it is, he enlists the help of his friends and together they start looking. It can't be that hard...
(Story idea credit to Purple_Ghost_1782)
Hey everyone, 2022 author here. Keep in mind this was written in like, 2017 or 2018, so there's a lot of things in here that are here simply because of the year that it was written. All the nicknames, phrases, couples, plots, etc. are all the way they are because that's what was popular at the time and I wrote this at 14. Now at 18, I check up on this occasionally just to see how it's doing, and I've noticed a lot of comments about these little things, so I thought I would add this note.
I'm glad that people are still enjoying my work, even though this one is definitely shitty compared to my more recent works on AO3, but just keep in mind this is about five years old and is therefore going to be out of date with some fandom things. Especially since I am no longer in this fandom.
Take care, and happy reading!