Tᴄʜá Jꜽᵯónián Ḱꜽdá és wréǂá'ú ꜽúw'd móúꝟ wóꝟ's, ᴄʜsé't és tᴄʜá ꜽmpįtrá'k'ézá'd árséúꜽ'ý. Ét's órdrá'ᴄʜ tꜽ įúdár'todús ᴄʜúó't tchá wrétá'ú árséúꜽ'ý éú mꝟ ꜽpéuéꜽú, sꜽ tᴄʜá wrétá'ú árséúꜽ'ý és prꜽýédá'd.
ꜽdꜽ'g įḱnj'l!
Translation : The Jꜽᵯónián Ḱꜽdá is written down many ways, this es the computerized version. It's harder to understand than the written version in my opinion, so the written version will also be provided.
Good Luck!
(No one I have ever known has successfully learned Jꜽᵯónián so if you do, I'll be very proud of you and i'll definitely want to hear. So, let me know if you take this challenge to learn a language I invented and you'll win a prize if you successfully learn it ;D )