Emmy is an up and coming YouTuber, getting her dream shot at working with the Smosh Family, making new friends, experiencing new things, finding new found fame and even catching feelings for a fellow squad member...
"What would happen if I was Shayne's girlfriend? No! Stop it Courtney. You two are friends and that is all. The girls are right. I just miss having someone be there for me."
"Do I have feelings for Courtney? Does she feel the same way? No! You can't be falling in love with your best friend! She doesn't even like you. Why would you think that?"
Courtney and Shayne have both been cheated on by their previous relationships and both helped each to move on. Sooner or later, they might see each other in a different way. Will they be able to pass all of the challenges to be together?
Hey guys, this is my first fanfic. Hope you guys enjoy and fill free to writes comments and suggestions and vote for my story