Sophie Lightwood (née Wayland) was deeply intertwined into the New York Institute, being the sister of Jace Wayland, the parabatai of Isabelle Lightwood and the wife to Alexander Lightwood. That's what made her death so devastating. No one ever saw her die. She snuck out on a dangerous, suicidal mission that was supposed to be for Alec. After a few hours of her missing, both Isabelles' parabatai rune and Alec's wedding rune faded into a dull grey. However, three months after her death. Three months of Alec waking in an empty bed, three months of both Alec and Izzy checking their rune just in case, three months of Jace shutting everyone out and sleeping in her childhood room -- both runes bleed into deep black once again. Each of the three held their breath the entire day, until the sun set and they finally opened the Institute door to see Sophie lying in the pool of light. |I respect and understand that Alec is gay but in my story, he is not (Big Malec fan though)|
8 parts